Airwalk 360 Rave w/ MaRLo
Special Guest: Avao
Support: Fisherman pres. Noise Tool + JayCee + MatricK
Aanvang 22:00 / Einde 05:00
Tier 1 20 euro
Tier 2 22 euro
Tier 3 26 euro
Tier 4 29 euro
Tier 5 32,50 euro
Leeftijd: 18+
MaRLo, Australia’s leading DJ, has become a global sensation with his distinctive “MaRLo sound.” Born in the Netherlands and raised in Australia, he has gained immense popularity, achieving the number one spot in Australia’s InTheMix voting competition and ranking 49th in DJ Mag’s 2016 poll.
Known for electrifying performances, MaRLo attracts over 15,000 attendees to his Altitude events, which are expanding internationally. He founded the “Reaching Altitude” label to nurture new talent. With an extensive touring schedule, including major festivals like Tomorrowland and Ultra Music Festival, and in-demand remixes for top trance artists, MaRLo is a dynamic force in the music industry.
Now, MaRLo craves the raw energy of intimate shows. Enter Airwalk. Enter 360° Rave. Prepare for an unparalleled showdown at Grenswerk on October 5th. This isn’t just a Trance gig. This is a sensory overload—hyper addictive, raw, and in-your-face. If you were at Nifra’s mind-blowing setup, you know what’s coming. If not, get ready for the ultimate clubbing reboot.
The chaos continues with the incendiary duo AVAO crashing the stage as our special guests. Expect Fisherman to rip the night apart with his Noise Tool project, alongside the relentless beats of Reaching Altitude’s MatricK and Airwalk’s own JayCee.